How Do You Remove Pet Urine From Woolen Carpets

It is quite tough to remove pet urine from woolen rugs and carpets. But, if you follow the right solution then you will be able to get better results for sure. You must understand how a professional carpet cleaner will take the relevant steps to remove pet urine from the carpets. Hire one to get the problem solved. Once you know how to do this, you can take action further without the help of the professionals. So, read on the information given below and figure out what you can do to maintain your woolen carpets well without any stain or trail of pet urine.

Pet Urine From Carpet
Pet Urine From Carpet
  1. Blot the urine as soon as you see the same on the carpet

You must blot the urine first. This should be your first step. Even the professionals take up carpet cleaning in the same way. Take a blotting paper or a cotton cloth and blot the urine. You can also keep an absorbent towel there on the urine to remove as much as you can. If you don’t do that then the urine will go beneath the carpet and then there will be a problem at the depth.

  1. Now, use warm water and vinegar mix to remove the stain

Now, you can pour the mixture of warm water and vinegar onto the stain. This will help to loosen the stain. Take a gentle brush and try to clean the stained area. You will see that this will help in removing the urine smell and urine stain.

  1. Use the towels again to remove the extra water from the woolen carpets

Now, you need to remove the extra water and this will happen with the help of terry towels. Once you have removed most of the water, you should let the carpet get air dry.

Normally, the professionals will also use a similar way to clean the pet urine on the carpet. But there’s one thing that carpet cleaner would have and that is the best cleaning solution. If you also want such pet stain cleaners then you can do some research online and find out the best options. When you do Coffee Stain Removal you will come across some dirt and some stains. It is important that you quickly get rid of the same. Usually, following the methods that the professionals use will prove to be quite useful for you.


In many cases, to make the urine-stained carpet fine, the professionals also use the steam carpet cleaning method. You should hire a reliable steam carpet cleaner and get the problem solved. Following a professional method will surely give you freedom from the pet urine stain quickly from your carpets. If you ignore these things then you will see that your carpets will soon become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Find out what can be the remedies that carpet cleaning companies will use. So, just follow them and get your carpets in the best condition.